Saturday, July 09, 2005

Getting settled!

Wow! Today Michael and I will have been married for five weeks! Thanks to so many people,the wedding day went off without a single major glitch (as far as I know and I would prefer to stay ignorant if there was a major problem). My mom, sister, sister-in-law, out of town family and my mom's "ladies" from Providence Baptist kicked some serious tail, preparing for the wedding. Things were taken care of that I'm sure I didn't even think of. My sister's dear friend Dana did a killer job on the pictures and Michaels friend Billy is putting together video of the wonderful day, and both volunteered their services out of the kindness of their own heart.
All that to say that God is so good and He looked out for Michael and I and provided for us in so many ways, ways we were not even aware of I am sure. I am still overwhelmed at the outpouring of love, time and support that Michael and I received from those around us. To God be the glory for sure! He is the only one that could have pulled of a day so glorifying to Him.
We are getting settled into our house and that is going well. You can now walk into one of the two spare bedrooms! YEAH! We are slowly but surely getting settled into a routine, but that will take time. Figuring out who does what around the house and figuring out how we want to our weeks to look like as far as schedule time with friends, family and church responsibilities and activities. But all those things I am sure with work themselves out in time. Meanwhile, I know we would both appreciate your prayers as we learn what it means to glorify God in our marriage.

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