Monday, June 25, 2007

Our 2nd Anniversary

Here we are on shores of Myrtle Beach for our 2nd Anniversary! It has been a wonderful 2yrs - It is amazing how God has blessed us over the past few years. There have been some changes in location and jobs, but God has drawn Michael and I closer together through it all. Mostly we have fun together and love hanging out - I am truly blessed with a fabulous husband!
While in Myrtle we went to the aquarium and had a blast - it was so cool!!!
As if all of that was not enough my sweet Michael had dinner ready for me when I got home from work on the day of our Anniversary. He also had two dozen roses - pink and white, my favorite! Anyway - no doubt I've made some those reading this go into sugar shock, so I'll quit before any of you go into a sweetness overload!